
Stuff that makes me happy.

Random Thought #6 April 11, 2011

Filed under: Random Thoughts — arschram @ 5:35 am
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29 years old. 15 different jobs. And what to show? I find myself far from where a man of my age “should” be in life. Perhaps the average person would look at me with some form of contempt. Perhaps he might look down on me as a drifter. A man who can’t hold a job. Lazy or incompetent. Imbecile. I’ve never been fired from a job. I’ve been laid off a few times, but more often than not I quit when the job no longer suits me. I learn what I must and I move on. It is as simple as that. I cannot bare to stagnate; to rot on the vine.

I’ve worked many jobs. Waiter. Train conductor. Plumber. Car salesman. Courtesy shuttle driver. Some have paid well. Others…. not so much. I’ve learned leadership. I’ve learned organization. I’ve learned to be assertive. I’ve learned what hard work truly is and I’ve learned to slow down. I’ve learned to support and to allow myself to be supported.

Our lives are what we make of them. Nothing more, and nothing less. We are only as great as the experiences we take from our lives and when we face a challenge head on, only then do we grow and become what we long to be. We are not born as cowards. I became a car salesman because it terrified me. This is why I WILL have those things which I desire.

What fear have you faced? What fear have you conquered? Yes, you deserve high praise indeed. We both do. Few of us ever use our so-called higher intellect to control our fear and rise above what we “should” be capable of. But we do just that and we grow ever more powerful because of it. When you decide what it is we want to overcome you will be thrust into those situations time and time again. It is up to you to recognize that the lesson has been laid before you. Take it. Seize it. Become great.