
Stuff that makes me happy.

Who am I and why are you here? March 8, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — arschram @ 2:47 am
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Welcome. The purpose of this website is simply to spread a little love in the world. More specifically, it’s a place for those who are in need of some love in their lives. For people going through a run of bad luck. For people who are just having a rough day. For people going through depression and addictions who, perhaps…. have had not such splendid lives.

So who am I and why am I doing this? Well, I’m just a humble plumber from Canada. My life, like many of yours, has had it’s ups and downs. As a child, teenager and young adult, I endured so many painful events in my life that I felt were beyond my control. Crippling depression was a way of life for me. Eventually this manifested itself into physical self abuse, thoughts of suicide and alcoholism. And then something changed. I made what I thought was a fairly insignificant decision. It was vague and far too open ended. But looking back now, I can see it was a catalyst for everything.

And now, though I’m far from perfect, I can honestly say that I’m happy. Of course I still have my down days, but I also have moments of complete joy that bring tears to my eyes. I have more than enough love in me to share than I could ever have thought. I want spread some joy while I’m in the world.

I’ve never been particularly eloquent. I’m not a great speaker and am in fact a man of few words. I’m not the alpha male type though I do believe that I’m quietly confident and charismatic. I am, however, a wonderful listener and I have a heart for people, particularly those going through difficult times. I’m quick with a hug and a smile. I really hope that my personality comes across as I share my own story in blog posts as well as share the music, movies, books, quotes and everything else that I’ve discovered to help me in my journey. Most importantly though, I hope this site helps to bring a smile to your day.

And that’s all I really want right now. What I intend for this site right now is still very much a work in progress. It may end up becoming something completely different than what I had originally set out to do and that’s alright. There’s no point in fighting the current so lets just see where things take us.

Much Love.


“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” His Holiness The Dalai Lama